<h1>bluesanct sampler 2004</h1>
1. Elephant Micah 'Ohio Arch'
2. Drekka 'love without sound'
3. Volmar 'Be sure from where you came'
4. Black Forest / Black Sea 'I'm in love'
5. Annelies Monseré 'We'll dance'
6. static films 'just above sea level, just below sea level'
7. Darryl Blood 'Happy Today'
8. The Iditarod 'Mariner'
9. Drekka 'Trust'
10. Timesbold 'Water Bearer'
11. Elephant Micah 'Damn, I wish I was your lover'
12. Minmae 'the man sho fought for speed'
13. The Pilot Ships 'Backyards'
14. In Gowan Ring 'To Thrum a Glassy Stem'
15. Drekka 'Fractured'
16. Justin Vollmar 'The Boys and The Guy ar The Bottom'
17. Timesbold 'Master of War'
18. Elephant Micah 'Mt. Neil Young'
19. Justin Vollmar 'A Simple Tune'
20. rivulets 'stead'
21. Tiltmaster 'Volcanic Sun'
22. The Pilot Ships 'Vessel'
23. static films 'towards you, in the water'
24. Black Forest / Black Sea 'Tangent Universe'

demo version of song on 'helder'
given away for free with Bluesanct-mailorders

BlueSanct - blue04
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